Upcoming Events
at Bible Baptist Church

Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

You just don't know what you're missing until you been along to one of our fun-filled, God-honouring activities! Some of these items and dates could change, so be sure to contact
Pastor Craig for final information.

Watch our Church Services on YouTube!

Upcoming Church Schedule of Events
Don't Miss a Single Day!

Year of Our Lord 2025


Look What Else Is Happening
at Bible Baptist Church, in Ballincollig

Ladies’ Christian Fellowships

Every Month


All the Ladies are invited to get together for a great time of fellowship!

Prayer Meeting
on Wednesday evenings,
after the main Bible Study -
starts at 7pm

All are encouraged to come to pray together as a church. Will YOU come along and seek God’s power for our church and ministries?

This is our main time of prayer as a Church, and we gather and spend an hour learning of people’s needs, and then praying for those needs in small groups! Come, and learn that you can safely lean on the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Discipleship Training

First Principles Discipleship Course

If you are interested in learning God's Book, the Bible, please contact Pastor Craig and make an evening available to study, and you will soon have the tools you need to live for the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved, you, and saved you, and wants to use you!

Discipleship - it's more than learning!

The Cork Bible Institute

Saturdays from 9am - 12.30pm

A third-level training institute, that prepares the Christian to serve the Lord better through intense learning of the Bible. Various courses are available that help the student to prepare to preach, pastor, teach, and grow in their faith. Open to the Public, but there is a small fee.

Twelve Weeks to Freedom

TWTF Outreach  - Friday starting at noon - meeting at the Peace Park in the City Centre
Main TWTF Meeting - Friday evening at 7pm in the Activity Centre

Soul-Winning on Saturdays

Meet at the Activity Centre at 1pm

Every Saturday afternoon, at 1pm, for about an hour and a half, faithful Christians are presenting the Good News of the Gospel to people throughout the Cork area in order to see souls saved, and our generation reached. Will you help?

The fields are white unto harvest – so who is going to go and reach our generation with the great news of the Gospel if we don’t? Everyone young and old can win a soul if they would just go with a bit of training, and a lot of passion! Come out and start making a difference!

Children's Church Classes for all Ages

Creche for the youngest children
Young Boys
and Girls (6-11 years old)

The Missing Piece

 The only thing that could be missing in all the planning,
all the goal setting, all the activities of our church, and all the outreaches,

 Make sure you make this church… YOUR CHURCH!

For more information concerning any of the above events, Email Us ,

or ring (021) 487-1234