Meet The Teens!
Sunday School Classes every Sunday (the Teens
meet first at the Church at 7pm)
Saturday Night in Ballincollig
in our Activity Centre at 7.00pm
Youth Camp
Every Summer in the Month of
July - See
information about Last Year's Cam
For info on any of the above activities,
us, or ring us at 021-4871234 |
Who Are We?
REBELS are a youth group of Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig. We
call ourselves the REBELS because we want to stand-up against the wrong
in the world. The world is constantly telling us what to do, what to
say, how to dress... But we have decided to rebel, and instead FOLLOW
Jesus Christ! Jesus said,
"I am
the way, the truth, and the life" (Jn. 14:6).
do most teenagers do nowadays? Teens need direction for their lives,
something to aim for. Unfortunately who are they looking to? Celebrities
and sports stars! BAD examples! Why are teens trying to do just enough
to get by in school, and spend as much time away from their families as
possible? Why are they living for their friends and striving to do
whatever it takes to be accepted by them? Why do the majority end up
drinking, smoking and losing their purity and all the while hoping for
the best in life? Wrong focus! The Bible says,
"Set your affection on things
above, not on things on the earth" (Col.
What To Expect? We are
a little different than your average teen but that’s to be expected! We
still meet together and have fun games and activities like any other
youth group, but the difference is the Bible lessons, which equip each
teen with the tools and truths to make right decisions about a whole
range of issues in their lives. Jesus said,
"I am come that they might have
life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (Jn. 10:10b).
if you don’t know me, I’m Basie
I grew up in a Christian family with both my parents saved. My mom told
me that I asked Jesus into my heart when I was younger but like most
people I cant remember that so I always doubted my salvation, until
April, 2006 at a Revival meeting Bro. Buddy Blunkall talked to me after
the message and told me that I have to be sure that I’m going to heaven.
So that night before I went to bed I bowed my knee and asked the Lord to
save me. Since then, I knew that I was accepted into God’s family! At
Youth Camp 2008, I believe that God called me to go into ministry and do
youth pastoring. I'm living for the Lord now, and am learning to love
him more each day. If you’re not sure of your salvation then I pray that
you do that today. Well that’s all so I hope I see whoever is reading
this in church one day.
my name is Barry Keating.
I'm 22 years old. I grew up in Cork
and have been a part of the
since 2003. When John Mahony took over the Teen Ministry of the Church
in 2007, I started to attend Teen Meetings which take place every second
Saturday and every Sunday night at our Church Office. Even though I'm
not exactly a teenager anymore, most of what we learn at Teen Meetings
is very much applicable to any young person's life, whether they be 13
years old or even in their early to late 20s. So anyone from those age
brackets is encouraged to take part.
As one of the older
attendees at these meetings, John also has put me in charge of the
games. I basically have the task of coming up with games for the teens
that will be fun, and help them keep coming to Teen meetings and hearing
from the Bible rather than going to discos or taking drugs/drinking with
their friends from school on the weekend.
If you are a
teenager and don't know how to have fun apart from doing things that
violate God's commandments, I would challenge you to come out to a
meeting and see that the best friends you can make are those that won't
offer you drink or drugs or wild girls, but will care for you like
friends should. I never knew that such fun existed in simple get
togethers, simple games, and teaching from the Bible until I was born
again and started coming to a Bible-preaching Church.
Real fun is when it doesn't cost you your life, your health, your
education, your mental stability, your sleep, or your happiness.
Teenagers weren't designed for such stress. May God guide you into all
truth... (John 16:13)