Bible Baptist Church - Making Missions as it was meant to be! - |
Go ye |
We support
our missionaries by faith,
We are determined to fulfilling our Acts 1:8 mandate...
Meet Our Missionaries |
of World Religions |
We currently Support Nine Missionary Families!
following missionaries are supported with our prayers and finances
so that we can
participate in winning souls the world over!
Derry O'Sullivan Family |
Edgar Feghaly ![]() |
The Harvey's serving in Exeter, England
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Stuart, his wife Dawn and their daughter Elenor work as a team in the Exter church. Stuart pastors the church while Dawn looks after the Sunday School and plays a major part in the organising and running of the midweek childrens programmes. Elenor has started her career in college but still plays the piano in church and helps with the childrens work when she is not at college. The Harvey's have a tremendous opportunity in reaching parents through their children who attend the church childrens programmes. Pray for encouragement and precious fruit with parents of the children who attend the church! |
E-Mail the Harvey's
Or, Write them at the following address:
Stuart and Dawn Harvey, Riverside Baptist Church, Lower Coombe Street, Exeter EX1 1DX.
Zoltan Kiss Family - Hungary
Church-Planting Missionaries to Budapest, Hungary
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The Kiss family are planting a Gospel
preaching church in district 3 area of Budapest! They are in the
start-up process of getting a suitable church building and find
accomodation for the family. They have a bible study with a handful
of believers. This handful of believers are a core group for the new
church group. Zoltan’s burden is that the Hungarian people of this generation
would hear the
good new of Jesus the Saviour before it is eternally too late!
E-mail the Zoltan Kiss Family Or write them at the following address:
Biblia Baptista Gyulekezet, 763 Pecs - Rozadomb, Polgarzolo u. 1, CF39 0ES.
Meet the Derry O'Sullivan Family - Ireland
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Derry and his family have been preaching and soul-winning in Blanchardstown for over 17 years! They have a great group of believers in the church there, and are working hard to get them to carry on with their own Irish pastor, so that he can move on and do it again in another area here in Ireland! He and his family are so faithful and real! It is an honour to serve with this family here in Ireland. Pray for them! |
Write to:
Planting a Church in Blanchardstown, Dublin
P.O. Box 1651, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
The David and Sandy Fetter - Micronesia
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David and Sandra Fetter have returned to Micronesia (way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean) where they already established one Bible believing church there, and are now on a new island starting their second church! Pray for them as they win souls there, disciple them, and bond them together in a vibrant, Bible believing church! |
Our Missionaries Planting Bible-Believing Churches in Micronesia
Check Out some photos and facts about the Fetters and Micronesia
Dave and Sandy Fetter, PO Box 77, Majuro, MH 96960, 216.452.5398 EST + 16
The Layton and Clare Kelly Family
Reformer's Unanimous of Ireland in Dublin
Click here for information on Reformer's Unanimous in Rockford, Illinois, USA
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Layton Kelly and his dear wife have dedicated their
lives to reaching broken lives, crushed by drink and drugs, and all
forms of addiction through their ministry called Reformer's
Unanimous of Ireland. We gladly support Layton and his efforts.
Layton presented his ministry to our church and now we have a
programme called Twelve Weeks To Freedom here in the
Cork area! Here are some photos and facts about the Layton Kelly Family |
New Hope Residential Centre,Kiltalown Cottage, Hazelgrove Golf Course, Tallaght, D24.
Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig has a programme for addictions called Twelve Weeks To Freedom in Cork
Mark and Aura Pereira Family, National Pastor in Portugal
I was born in 1980 in Canada. Guided by my father in the faith, missionary Allen Newton, I came to know the Lord and was saved at the age of thirteen. Towards the end of 1999 I yielded to the call of God to preach, and started my Biblical training under Pastor Newton. During those years I worked a full-time job while studying and helping with the Lord’s work. I was ordained into the Gospel ministry in December 2002 and continued my work in the church, this time as assistant pastor. On May 22nd, 2004 Aura Newton and I were married. The week after the wedding, I was voted in as the church’s main Pastor so, coming back from the honeymoon was also to come back to a new stage in our ministry. The church, whose name in English means “Living Hope Baptist Church” is in the town of Albufeira in the center of the Algarvian Coast. In the summer of 2005 we started a Sunday afternoon service in English as a way to reach the many English speaking residents in this part of the country. 2016 we have many churches planted and working on planting other churches around the country. We are training national men up to be pastors in these churches. |
Write to:
Rua Dr. Joao Mourato Grave, Lt. 151 6 esq., 6000-241 Castelo Branco, Portugal.
The Williams in Hondurus
Write to:
Colonia 21 de octubre, Sector 4, Block 4, Casa # 4507, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., Republica de Honduras C.A.
The Fegahly's in the Middle East
Email the Feganly's