Schedule of Events
See Photos of the
Saturday 21st
7pm Prayer Meeting in Pastor’s Home
Sunday 22nd
10.30am Bro Crabbe speaking first in Ballincollig
11.15am Jerome Pittman preaching main message in Ballincollig
3pm Jerome preaching in Mallow
7pm Jerome preaching in Ballincollig
Monday 23rd
1pm Soul-Winning
7pm Layton Kelly Preaching in Ballincollig
Tuesday 24th
1pm Soul-Winning
7pm Jerome Pittman preaching in Ballincollig
Wednesday 25th
7pm Final Mission’s Conference Meeting in Ballincollig
During the conference, there will be six boxes set out for people
to bring in some small gifts to send off to each of our Missionary
Our Missionaries and Church
Planting Projects
(Click here for
more information)
Mike and his wife Caroline have been working
in several Bolivian villages, preaching the Gospel, and
feeding so many of the people who come out for a good meal,
and a great message from God’s word! His heart aches for the
time that so many will repent and be free from the bondage
of their religious superstitions, and for more churches to
be started throughout the Bolivian people! Pray for
encouragement and precious fruit! |
Yann and his family arrived in France 5 years
ago, and have been busy in their many ministries there. They
pastor two churches like pastor Craig does, and desperately
needs help so he can start a third church! Pray that they
win many souls in the South of France! |
Derry and his family have been preaching and
soul-winning in Blanchardstown for over 17 years! They have
a great group of believers in the church there, and are
working hard to get them to carry on with their own Irish
pastor, so that he can move on and do it again in another
area here in Ireland! He and his family are so faithful and
real! It is an honour to serve with this family here in
Ireland. Pray for them! |
The Paul Jones family are spending their
lives planting Gospel preaching churches all over Wales!
They have been involved in the start-up of two churches,
and hope to start a third one very soon! Paul’s burden is
that the Welsh people of this generation hear the good new
of Jesus the Saviour before it is eternally too late! He has
a Bible Institute and is preparing men to preach and pastor
in Wales! |
David and Sandra Fetter have returned to
Micronesia (way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean)
where they already established one Bible believing church
there, and are now on a new island starting their second
church! Pray for them as they win souls there, disciple
them, and bond them together in a vibrant, Bible believing
church! |

Layton Kelly, RUI |
Brother Layton Kelly and his dear wife have dedicated their
lives to reaching broken lives, crushed by drink and drugs,
and all forms of addiction through their ministry called
Reformer's Unanimous of Ireland. We gladly support Layton
and his efforts, and hope one day soon to have our own
Reformer's meetings here in the Cork area! |

Bible Baptist Church, Mallow |
second church, in Mallow, County Cork is a fulfilment of
God's will that every city needs Bible Believing, Christ
honouring churches. The Mallow people are precious in God's
sight, and worthy of every sacrifice that they may know the
true God and His Son Jesus Christ! For more information on
the Bible Baptist Church in Mallow, click
here! |