Victory Youth Camp provides a Godly, safe, and
moral atmosphere for our youth
All Campers Code of Conduct
NO alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form,
radios, mp3, Ipads, tablets, CD players, video games, knives,
skateboards, fireworks, nonprescription drugs, pets, or weapons of any
kind. No physical contact allowed between male and female campers. Male
and female campers are not allowed to be alone together at any time. No
gothic dress or makeup. Both guys and girls will need runners for the
game time.
Ladies' Code of Conduct
Modest clothing is to be worn. Like loose-fitting culottes (skirt-like).
No walking shorts. If you bring skirts or dresses, they must touch the
floor when kneeling. A closed hem is required on all dresses or skirts
(no slits). Modest loose-fitting tops or blouses. No sleeveless tops. No
jam shorts. Please, No modern or faddish style clothing. Swimming is
gender separate, but all ladies must still be covered from the shoulders
to the knee during swim time.
No piercings outside of the earlobe can have jewelry in them.
Gentlemen's Code of Conduct
No see-through or mesh-like shirts. No shirts with questionable pictures
or emblems. No sleeveless shirts. No “skinny” jeans. Just bring normal
jeans, wind pants, and casual pants. No modern or faddish style
clothing. No sagging pants. Swimming is gender separate, but all
gentlemen must be covered from the shoulders to the knee during swim
time. Men will not be allowed to wear earrings or necklaces. No
piercings can have jewelry in them.
What to Bring
Clothes for four days, and an extra set for good measure • Two pairs of
running shoes • Sleeping bag (or sheets & blanket) and a pillow •
Torch/Flashlight (check to make sure the batteries are good) • Insect
repellant • Soap and shampoo • Deodorant • Toothbrush and toothpaste •
Cutoffs or swimming togs for swimming (boys) • Shower shoes / Flip-flops
• Notebook • Pen or pencil • Your BIBLE • Money for snack shop •
Towels and washcloths • A good attitude!