Christmas Grace

The Giving-ness of God that Gave Us Christmas!

Titus 2:11-14

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

DATE: 7 Dec, 2008 AM

PLACE: BBC Ballincollig


I.        Introduction (Titus 2:11)


A.      Grace! What a word!

B.      Not just “grace”, but “the grace of God!”

C.      What does it mean? And what does it matter?


1.       That’s what we are going to learn this morning

2.       We are approaching Christmas

3.       And when you think of the word “gifts” I want you to think instead of the word, GRACE

4.       Because THAT is what GRACE means – a GIFT, unearned, priceless, that’s free, and yet also freeing!


D.      It is summarized in Titus 2:11-14

E.       Its Meaning


1.       There probably is not another word in our English language that is so little understood, as the word Grace!

2.       Grace is a GIFT


a.       A giving-ness that God has towards us – just constantly blessing, and giving, when we do not deserve anything


3.       Grace is a Great Attitude!


a.       Grace is God looking beyond our sinfulness, our selfishness, and loving us anyway

b.       It is just being accepted by God when we shouldn’t be


4.       Grace is a Humbling - when someone Humbles Themselves First in a Fight


a.       In an argument, both are at odds

b.       Wrath and revenge seeks only to find some way to hurt and defeat the “opponent”

c.        Grace decides to humble themselves first and seek reconciliation, at their own cost!


F.       Its Importance


1.       If God had no grace, Jesus would never have been born, God would have just judged this world, and condemned everyone in it to an eternity in hell, and would have just left us to self-destruct!

2.       But thankfully, God DOES have grace – great grace!

3.       And it is the foundation for a Christian Christmas!


G.      Grace IS Christmas! When you get a good understanding of it!


II.      Message


A.      The Grace of God Saves (2:11)!


1.       Salvation is the most important thing every human ever born needs


a.       It is not a religious word

b.       It is a cure for man’s worst condition

c.        It is a heart condition – no one is immune to sin’s grip! It is like a genetic defect

d.       Sin makes us the enemy of God – automatic. You don’t have to do anything to become an enemy – your sin in your heart, even before it comes out, has make you separate from God!

e.        Therefore, you need salvation


1)       Not baptism

2)       Not catechism

3)       Not resolution

4)       Not religion

5)       Not theology

6)       Not good deeds

7)       You need something that Jesus brought with Him when He was born – salvation (Luke 2:8-11)


2.       It is a gift


a.       Grace brought the gift of salvation to us by God Himself

b.       It was wrapped up in Swaddling clothes and laid in a manger

c.        It is free to us, but it cost God absolutely everything


1)       Humiliation – coming down to our level

2)       Living in our world for 33 ½ years

3)       Misunderstood, spit upon, rejected, hated, and crucified naked on a cross!


d.       God GAVE us the gift, and the devil helped us understand just how much that gift cost God!


3.       Let me prove that most people do not know what grace means


a.       Most people think they are not good enough to become Christians… those people don’t know what GRACE means!

b.       Many people think they couldn’t live the Christian life… those people do not understand what GRACE means then!

c.        GRACE is unearned, unmerited, undeserved - it is a GIFT!

d.       Someone once said, “If a man can prove he is not worthy of heaven, then I can prove from the BIBLE that there is hope for Him in Christ!” “There will be no problem getting that man into heaven if he would only believe that grace is as free as the air that he breathes!”


4.       Listen to these precious words…


a.       Rom 3:23,24  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;  Being justified (saved, pardoned, forgiven) freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

b.       Rom 5:1,2  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:  By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

c.        Rom 5:20  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

d.       Eph 1:6,7  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.  In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

e.        Eph 2:8,9  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.


5.       Illustrations


a.       Hey! A Sunday School teacher stood in front of his class one morning, and took off his watch. He held it up in front of the class of boys and said, it was free to anyone who would take it. They all froze and remained in their seats. Again the teacher explained, it was free to anyone who would just reach out and take it. Slowly, hesitantly, a young boy from the middle of the room inched forward, and looking only into the eyes of the teacher, he reached out and grasped it. Once in his hands, the teacher smiled, and released it and the little boy ran back to his chair! Just at that moment, all the other boys began to chatter and mumble and almost say in unison, “If we had not thought that we would have to give it back, we would have grabbed it in an instant!”

b.       HEY! The grace of God that FREELY bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men! Will you take it?

c.        A Christian stood on a London bridge and shouted, “A sovereign for a shilling” A sovereign, back in the 1850’s was a British Pound coin made of gold. A shilling was 1/20th the value. This man was offering a strange exchange. What’s funny is, no one took him up on the offer because no one believed it to be true! Hey! God’s grace is freely available for the taking!


6.       Grace is simply God’s open attitude towards unworthy people (Rom 11:6)


a.       If you could earn salvation by going to church, being good, praying, giving, sacrificing, being persecuted, etc, then it would not be a gift – God would be owing you

b.       But if it is a gift from God, then it is priceless, and should be taken, like ASAP!


B.      The Grace of God Teaches (2:12)


1.       False Teaching Abounds!


a.       We are living in a day when many false teachers are turning the grace of God into lasciviousness (a license to sin). They say that since no one is perfect and since God’s grace is free, that we really don’t have to know a changed life.

b.       Amazing Grace Amazing grace! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! Thro’ many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ‘Tis grace hath bro’t me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, than when we first begun!


2.       Grace does not mean now that we can live any way we want! God forbid (Rom 6:1,2)! This “giving-ness of God shows us something about God – not that He wants us to be able to live as we please, but live a second chance life


a.       What if someone about to be condemned for an awful crime was offered the opportunity to live his life over?

b.       How would you live differently if you could live differently?

c.        THAT is what God’s grace offers, and teaches us

d.       NOT that now we are off the hook, so to speak, but that we have a whole new life that can be lived differently! Forgiven, pardoned, with Jesus Christ personally living inside you, guiding you and helping you!


3.       The Grace of God is the Basis for a Changed Life (2:12)! Not the excuse for us to stay the same old way (same bitterness, same bad habits, same depressions, same guilt, same drunkenness!


a.       It’s not just the fear of God that changes lives – that is just the beginning

b.       The Power of Grace (not resolutions, hypnosis, psychology, being forced to do things by bullies or by guns)

c.        God’s Grace enables a sinner to live differently.


1)       The Law convicts us - declares us guilty. God’s grace converts us - declares us forgiven. The difference is:


a)       The law says, You’re guilty and your going to hell! And do you know what? It’s RIGHT! You may not like God’s LAW, but it is RIGHT about all of us!

b)       Grace says, You can be forgiven, and escape hell - if you want it, if you take the free gift of Jesus Christ into your life! Admit you are a sinner, and turn towards God’s grace!


2)       The law forces. Grace teaches. It allows you to make your own decision. Grace appeals to the teachable attitude. It is the Christian that desires to know what God says. If you are waiting on someone to MAKE you believe, then you are not a Christian after all!


d.       Grace instructs us HOW to live differently. A Christian is supposed to be different! So the Holy Spirit sets up class in our hearts to instruct us as we go through and study this Book!


1)       You will only Live differently by first Denying some things. Two main categories of sin:


a)       Wrong Actions - Ungodliness - living like God doesn’t exist

b)       Wrong Affections (desires) - Worldly lusts - loving things like they were God - idolatry! Money, possessions, power, peers!


2)       So, wrong actions and wrong affections produce a wrong life in us. We need to repent, deny, and disregard those things!

3)       People get caught up trying to deny these things in order to EARN heaven and forgiveness, when God says the ability only comes to those who already have accepted God’s grace/ability to do so!


e.        Live differently then, by Delighting in some things - now this is REAL life! You can tell a real Christian by what he or she likes!


1)       Delight in Sober living - responsible, facing problems, not running from them, not running to drink or drugs to “get you through.” Actually loving life AS IS - a gift from God! Not out of control! Sober means fully aware – not numb, or drunk! Not running from life, but running through life – in a race, remember (Heb 12:1)?

2)       Delight in Righteous living - Enjoying doing what is right to do, and not just convenient or easy! Not just what you want to do, or “feel” like doing. It is RIGHT to:


a)       Be at home with your family when not at work

b)       Have a clean conversation - you don’t have to curse!

c)       Pray and thank God for each meal, and trust God for your needs, and to bring to God your every care!

d)       Be committed to a Bible preaching church - get involved, and get busy serving God!

e)       Be a soul-winner, telling people the truth about sin and salvation – carry tracts and a New Testament.

f)        Tell the truth – at all times

g)       Accept correction – we need a humble spirit in our homes

h)       If you are saved, then you will DELIGHT to do right!


3)       Delight in Godly living - living like your Saviour would live if He were here - if He were at your table - if He were at your job! Ask yourself, Would Jesus be doing what I do all week?


a)       He wouldn’t sell drink at a pub – He would talk about living water

b)       He wouldn’t cheat on his exams – he would work hard

c)       He wouldn’t promote priests and bishops and popes – He would promote His heavenly Father!

d)       Christians need to stop thinking about parts of their lives as “just the facts of life” and get back to living RIGHTEOUSLY and GODLY during the week, and not just on Sundays!


f.        No one is going to delight in those things unless they have been saved, and have a new love in their heart that came from GOD!


C.      The Grace of God Excites (2:13)


1.       God’s grace also teaches us to anticipate one great soon coming event - the blessed hope and glorious appearing of Jesus Christ! The grace of God teaches us that there is a better life coming! We not only believe in heaven! We know we are going there!


a.       A Christian doesn’t live in the past (that’s depression)

b.       A Christian doesn’t focus all his or her energies only on the present (that’s self-gratification).

c.        The Christian works, and prays, and lives with all their hopes and dreams all wrapped up in the Saviour Himself who is coming back!


1)       Many put all their hopes into children and family

2)       Some put it into their job or business

3)       Others put all their hopes on a horse, or racing dog

4)       Some put their hopes and dreams into a bank

5)       Still others rest in governments, UN troops, and peace agreements


d.       But we Christians know what is a sure win - the soon return of Jesus Christ - and we have set our affections on HIM, and on HEAVEN, and on ETERNITY!


2.       Why waste time on stuff that will all rot and spoil and burn?

3.       Never forget:


a.       It is the grace of God that keeps Him even interested in fixing this world at all – could have just walked away

b.       It’s God’s grace that works all things together for good


D.      The Grace of God Compels (2:14)


1.       If we ever realised just how great God’s grace is for us, and IN us, we would find planted in us the following things (Tit 2:13,14):


a.       Full of hope, and expectation instead of discouragement

b.       Longing for Jesus to come back – looking, expecting, seeking

c.        Peculiarity - Truly peculiar – that’s what we are supposed to be – different than the world we live in


1)       Example of an astronaut. He HAS to live differently than the environment he is in – or he will die!

2)       The same is true with a Christian

3)       We don’t draw on the same fun, or on the same thrills as those around us

4)       We have a wall between us and the world – that cannot be torn or ripped without dire consequences

5)       We listen to different music

6)       We watch very select TV programming

7)       We thrive on the words of God, not on the RTE Guide

8)       We have different priorities – like


a)       Being in Church every week

b)       Reading through our Bibles, chapter by chapter

c)       Giving our testimony and witnessing of the grace of God to our co-workers and classmates

d)       Giving our tithes to God every paypacket

e)       Praying about every need instead of complaining and getting depressed!


d.       Security (safety from losing salvation) Redeemed – all people who have Jesus as their main reason for life ARE (not will be, or only hope to be, but ARE) redeemed – saved!

e.        Purity – Oh that the world could see CLEAN living people

f.        Passion – zealous of good works instead of sneaking around trying out different sinful activities! AMEN! Next week I want to focus on those good works! Not to earn salvation, but BECAUSE of being saved!


III.   Conclusion


A.      Grace! What a word! Not just “grace”, but “the grace of God!”

B.      What does it mean? And what does it matter?


1.       Grace is a GIFT. A giving-ness that God has towards us – just constantly blessing, and giving, when we do not deserve anything

2.       Grace is a Great Attitude! Grace is God looking beyond our sinfulness, our selfishness, and loving us anyway

3.       Grace is when someone Humbles Themselves First in a Fight. That’s what GOD did you save you and me!


C.      If it weren’t for God’s grace, we wouldn’t have Christmas! Grace IS Christmas!

D.      Titus 2:11-14 shows us four things about God’s Grace


1.       The Grace of God Saves (2:11)! That’s what God gave us when he became a baby! He gave us the way to be free from sin’s punishment – he gave us forgiveness, COMPLETE forgiveness! Salvation! ARE YOU SAVED?


a.       Today is the day! Now is the time

b.       God commendeth his love towards us

c.        God commandeth all men everwhere to repent

d.       Truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ!


2.       The Grace of God Teaches (2:12)


a.       It actually enables a sinner to live differently.

b.       Grace instructs us HOW to live differently. A Christian is supposed to be different! So the Holy Spirit sets up class in our hearts to instruct us as we go through and study this Book!


1)       First Denying some things. Two main categories of sin:


a)       Wrong Actions - Ungodliness - living like God doesn’t exist

b)       Wrong Affections (desires) - Worldly lusts - loving things like they were God - idolatry! Money, possessions, power, peers!


c.        Then, by Delighting in some things - now this is REAL life! You can tell a real Christian by what he or she likes!


1)       Delight in Sober living

2)       Delight in Righteous living

3)       Delight in Godly living


3.       The Grace of God Excites (2:13) There is one great soon coming event - the blessed hope and glorious appearing of Jesus Christ! The grace of God teaches us that there is a better life coming! We not only believe in heaven! We know we are going there

4.       Finally, The Grace of God Compels (2:14) – drives us in a whole new direction, drawing us, and helping us to live differently!


a.       Full of hope, and expectation instead of discouragement

b.       Longing for Jesus to come back – looking, expecting, seeking

c.        Truly peculiar – that’s what we are supposed to be – different than the world we live in

d.       Redeemed – all people who have Jesus as their main reason for life ARE (not will be, or only hope to be, but ARE) redeemed – saved!

e.        Pure – Oh that the world could see CLEAN living people

f.        Excited – zealous of good works instead of sneaking around trying out different sinful activities! AMEN!

g.        Next week I want to focus on those good works! Not to earn salvation, but BECAUSE of being saved!