Directions to the Faith Mission Camp
- From Dublin get to the N8 going South towards Cork
- You will be arriving into the Cork area when you get to a large round
about with the Jack Lynch Tunnel on the other side. Go through the round
about, and on into the Tunnel. That will bring you onto the N25 going west
on the South Link
- Pass over 1 main roundabout, and through another round about. At the 3rd
round about, take the left for Bandon on the N71.
- Go through Innishannon, still headed for Bandon.
- When you come into Bandon, at the end of the road will be a T junction -
take a right. Follow that road around to the left, and then stay straight on
- you will be on the Dunmanway Road.
- From that point the camp is almost exactly 3 miles down on your right.
- You are looking for a cross road where you will make a right, and then when
the road bends to the left, you will stay straight on into the camp grounds.
A map of the area is below! You can also see a Google map of the area by
typing in "Cork Ireland" into Google maps
Phone me on my mobile if you get lost 087-2766764