We extend a warm invitation for you to come visit a Bible believing Church, Sunday 8 June, starting at 11am

For 31 years we’ve been gathering together to learn how to live the Gospel… Ministering to broken lives and hearts; Restoring marriages and families; Building lives from the inside out; And, Finding life-changing hope in Jesus Christ!

On this special day, come and experience our church, with helpful Gospel preaching from the Bible, heart-warming music, puppets, a Children’s Class, creche, and a great time of Christian fellowship! A luncheon will follow for all who attend. This is a FREE family event. Booking is recommended, so sign up at www.biblebc.com, or phone 021-4871234. All are welcome.

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork
Meeting at Unit B, Enterprise Park, Innishmore, Ballincollig P31 Y954
Sundays at 11am         Wednesdays at 7pm
(021) 4871234   biblebc@gmail.com  www.biblebc.com